Tuesday, January 12, 2010

When I say newlywed....

I mean NEWlywed. My name is Whitney and my glorious husband, Jonathan, and I just got married Saturday January the 9th. That means I've been married a grand total of 3 days. I know, a real veteran. I'm actually still on my honeymoon, but my sweet groom is taking a nap.

I'm so excited about what's in store for us, but I also feel a little bit like I just launched myself off of a cliff in the possibly vain hope that there is a giant air cushion like in the movies! My parents have been married since long before I came along, but all of the sudden I have the feeling that I have no idea what marriage is supposed to look like! I've always enjoyed it from the much squishier viewpoint of somebody's kid looking on and not an actual participant.

Still yet, I am optimistic. Jonathan (though he has his days and I have mine) is a wonderful man ("man" did I mention I'm 21 and he's 23?!) and he has a good head on his shoulders.

For now, I'll leave you with a few pictures of our wonderful wedding. enjoy :)

-The newest member of the Hardy Party


  1. I'll go ahead and say it (because you've heard it before a million times) - marriage is NOT easy. But it's worth all the trouble. ;) I am glad you've started this! I miss you and miss keeping up with you - this is such a great way to keep up. I mean so's Facebook but... I just love blogging. Sigh, doncha miss the Xanga days? hehe

    Love you!

  2. I stumbled across this from Kristen's blog.
    I'm so glad to see you so happy! You were a beautiful bride and have been in my thoughts in the last several days. I love you both and know you will enjoy the adventures that come with being a newlywed. Savor every moment!
    Love you!
