Thursday, January 14, 2010

old people

So, yesterday we went to church where we had already run into a few of the members around town here. It was great, we really liked the church and really LOVED the people there. We made friends with 6 or 8 people our parents' age and older and they invited us to Starbucks so we figured what the hay, and went.

We were chatting with them and had a really good time until they found out we were on our honeymoon. They were HOR.if.FIED that we were spending our night with a bunch of "old people." I'm surprized they didn't pick us up and put us in our car. I kindly explained to them that he and I had done absolutely nothing but stare at each other all day and it was nice to mix it up a little. They settled a little, but not much. Coffee was over shortly

I always like hanging out with people older than me- always have. There's just so many advantages to these older friends.

1. No friend drama. You're never going to wear the same outfit to a party. Or even go to the same party for that matter.
2. When they invite you over for dinner, dinner is always GOOD.
3. When they invite you out for dinner, they actually pay.
4. They never expect you to return that favor.
5. They 99% of the time have better husband stories than we newbies.

Just to name a few.

We're off to St. Augustine today, after I raid the fabric department that this Wal*Mart still has!!! Eek!!!

1 comment:

  1. So true. LOVE older friends. Er, I mean, "mature" friends.

    And St. Augustine is amazing. I want to go back!

    Have fun!
