Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Love and Basketball

Indeed, I am now a basketball wife. Until New Years Eve, I can't say that I had ever really watched a full game of college basketball. I've now seen several, and it's really not as bad as I thought. I've always highly frowned on women that were as much or more into football than men (it just looks tacky when you see them with their jerseys and their beers. Enjoy the game like a lady, gah), and I sort of just lumped all other sports in.

Basketball has several advantages over football.
1. The games take nowhere near as long
2. Stuff is always happening, you don't have to wait half an hour for them to make progress.
3. You can see their faces.
4. They're all really tall

Now, that last one isn't really an advantage unless you're married to one of them. Jonathan is very tall, and that is just so darn useful.

Today has been our first day back in the real world. Jonathan went to work, I went job hunting and then came home and made dinner. It was a new recipe. We weren't crazy about it. I'll check that one off the "Make Again" list. It was Lo Mein, and mostly it was just the sauce... recipe needs to be less soy sauce, more teriaki for us.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like stuff that has too much soy either. Better luck next time! Hehe.

    And I'm not a basketball fan, but I am a fan of having a tall hubby! Very convenient for we of ... lesser height.
